Nintendo and Brace Yourself Games have kept quiet ever since Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the Necrodancer was announced, but new datamining suggests it could be set to release May 30. That’s this Thursday.

As a follow-up to the critically acclaimed Crypt of the Necrodancer and the first time Nintendo has allowed an indie studio to work on one of its franchises, many are curious to see the final product.

Twitter user NWPlayer123 has followed the game’s eShop code since it was first announced. Originally, the code showed a May 31 release date. Today,  however, NWPlayer123 posted an update stating the game’s code now displays May 30 as the release date.

It should be noted, though, another user responded with a slight correction. The May 30 release date has actually been shown since shortly after the game was announced and has been a topic of discussion in the Crypt of the Necrodancer Discord channel for a few weeks now.

Whether that means the game will actually release in this week’s usual Thursday download or if it’s just now getting attention isn’t clear. Thursday’s just two days away at the time of writing, so we’ll know soon enough.

There’s good reason to believe this date might be true anyway, though. Earlier in the month, Nintendo Europe sent out an email promoting May’s upcoming releases. Included in that, after the somewhat controversial Resident Evil Switch ports, was Cadence of Hyrule.

Well, the RE Switch ports launched last week, which would make this week the only other time in May Cadence of Hyrule could launch — assuming it hasn’t been delayed, of course.