From strategy to tactics, killstreak advantages have myriad uses; put together in the right ways, and put into the right hands, they can help create unstoppable builds.
Below, we’ve outlined all of the killstreaks in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. We’ve laid them out by the number of kills you need to activate them. Additionally, we’ve provided the rank at which you can unlock them, as well as a small description of what they do.
CoD Modern Warfare Killstreaks
And there you have it: all of Call of Duty Modern Warfare’s killstreaks in one easy to access place. Make sure to bookmark this page for quick reference. For more on Modern Warfare for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, be sure to check back for our official review coming sometime next week, as well as a handful of more Modern Warfare guides. Until then, you can see what we thought of the multiplayer beta, which is essentially what you can expect in the release build.