Nonetheless, she got two messages from Candice’s telephone saying that she was OK and was in Tennessee. Notwithstanding, Caffian didn’t completely accept that her girl sent those and kept on looking for her. In November 2010, the hunt finished when specialists observed Candice’s remaining parts under a bedding in a lush region near her home. The dissection uncovered that she was cut and choked to death.

Who Killed Candice Parchment? North of 90 days before Candice’s vanishing, she endure an endeavored rape on her. On January 5, 2010, Caffian was cruising all over searching for her little girl when she maneuvered into a neglected house’s carport. In those days, Candice just told her mom she was assaulted however didn’t tell her what its identity was. Notwithstanding Caffian’s demand, Candice didn’t go to the police regarding it. Unfortunately, over 90 days after the fact, she unexpectedly vanished, with her body being found in November 2010.

The case didn’t push ahead until Caffian tracked down Candice’s journal while preparing for a move in October 2011. In a section from January 5, 2010, the 15-year-old had distinguished her assailants as Marshae Hickman and Jermaine Robinson, two youngsters from the area. As per the journal, “Jermaine hit her in the head with a rake and Marsha impeded the entryway” to keep her from fleeing. Jermaine then, at that point, stifled Candice while Marshae grabbed the youngster.

Around this time, Caffian had called Candice and represented a little; she had additionally dropped by the neglected house, prompting the two men panicking and leaving. Moreover, Marshae had taken steps to kill Candice on the off chance that she let anybody know what occurred. After realizing this data, the specialists investigated them and acknowledged Marshae was at that point in care on an inconsequential thievery charge. When addressed, he conceded putting his arms around Candice’s neck and pressed it firmly until she went limp.

While there was proof that Candice was likewise cut, Marshae simply admitted to choking her. He professed to have shut down when it occurred, however the specialists accepted he got back to the spot a few times to affirm Candice’s body wasn’t found. The remaining parts were situated close to the high rise where Marshae resided. Jermaine later expressed that Marshae advised him to hit Candice and stifle her, taking steps to kill them both in the event that he didn’t consent.

Where Could Marshae Hickman and Jermaine Robinson Now be? At Marshae Hickman’s preliminary in April 2013, he was sorry for what occurred in a letter, saying, “I’m upset for what I have done. I was in some unacceptable perspective, and this torment me consistently. I want to bring her back.” Marshae, then, at that point, 21, was in the long run seen as at real fault for vindictiveness murder, lawful offense murder, misleading detainment, endeavored assault, compulsory homicide, irritated attack, exasperated battery, and hiding a passing.

The guard asserted Jermaine was possible the executioner since he find out about the wrongdoing. Prior, he discussed Candice being cut. Moreover, Marshae’s lawyer asserted her client was forced into an admission and grilled for very extended periods. Eventually, he was condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole in addition to 20 extra years.

Marshae was additionally given over a simultaneous 50-year sentence for the assault and endeavored assault. Jermaine confessed to exasperated attack and affirmed against Marshae. From everything that we can say, Jermaine has since been let out of jail and appears to experience kept himself out of difficulty. From that point forward, he’s kept a position of safety, with his most recent area being Forest Park, Georgia. Concerning Marshae, he is carrying out his punishment at Telfair State Prison in McRae-Helena, Georgia.