CBI sources said that the proprietor of a gem dealer in Bolpur town in Birbhum has previously been addressed. This specific retailer was a nearby friend of Trinamool Congress strongman and the party’s Birbhum region President, Anubrata Mondal.


The examining authorities of the focal organizations observed that gold adornments worth around Rs 3 crore that were utilized to enhance the icon of Goddess Kali at the home of Mondal on the event of Kali Puja consistently were predominantly bought from this specific shop.

Simultaneously, a considerable lot of Mondal’s family members and close partners were normal clients of this shop, which had some inclinations in the personalities of the CBI detectives that a significant piece of the returns of the steers sneaking could have been put resources into gold.

It is discovered that the CBI detectives examined the retailer regarding the subtleties of gold decorations bought by Mondal and his relatives over the most recent five years. They have likewise looked for the subtleties of the buy receipts on this count from him.

Meanwhile, the CBI has followed a new fixed store worth Rs 1 crore which is for the sake of Mondal’s little girl Sukanya Mondal. This decent store was in the Bolpur part of public area Indian Bank. Prior, last month, the CBI had frozen a few other fixed stores worth Rs 16.97 crore held by Mondal, his departed spouse, girl and a few other direct relations.

Simultaneously, the CBI investigators are routinely addressing various authorities of the state Endlessly land Revenue Department to figure out the subtleties of the land bought by Mondal, his family member and close partners during the most recent five years.

“As of now we have gone over a few plots of and in names of Mondal, his relatives and family members. Curiously, the provided buy cost estimate of certain plots of land at prime spots nearby the National Highways are a lot of lower than the real market worth of that land,” a CBI source said.