A senior CBI official said that the worldwide effort was started in close coordination with Interpol and Opiates Control Department (NCB) for battling carrying of illegal medications and psychotropic substances, with unique spotlight on the Indian Sea Locale.


“Drug dealing networks with worldwide linkages require policing across global ward.

“In Activity Garuda, CBI drove a worldwide situation to target drug networks with global impressions for activity against controllers, agents, creation zones and backing components,” the authority said.

The CBI and the NCB have been intently planning with every one of the states and UTs police organizations for data trade, examination and advancement of functional data.

During the Activity Garuda, searches, seizures and captures were completed across various States in India. Aside from the CBI and the NCB, eight states/UT police, including Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi and Manipur likewise took part in this activity.

During this unique activity by the NCB and a few state police powers, including Punjab, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtra, around 6600 suspects were checked, 127 new cases enlisted and around 175 people, including six absconders/declared wrongdoers were captured.

Illegal medications and psychotropic substances, including 5.125 kg heroin; 33.936 kg cannabis, 3.29 kg charas, 1365 gm mephedrone, 33.80 smack, around 87 tablets, 122 infusions and 87 needles of Buprenorphine, 946 tablets Alpazolam, 105.997 Kg Tramadol, 10 gm Hash oil, 0.9 gm Ecstacy pills, 1.150 kg opium, 30 kg Poppy Husk, 1.437 kg intoxicant powder and 11,039 pills/containers, were recuperated.

— OTV (@otvnews) September 29, 2022